Yang 24 Tai Chi Course

Learn the Most Popular Form of Exercise in the World

"I love doing Yang 24 Tai Chi, it has really helped my balance." Steve Adair - Raleigh NC

Join Us for the
Yang 24 Course

raleigh kungfu taichi

Yang 24 Tai Chi Course July 30, 2014

Meets each Wednesday at 10-11 am, 14 weeks

Yang 24 Tai Chi is the most popular form of exercise in the world. It is practiced by millions of people, every day.

Located in central Raleigh, NC, this course will take you through all that is necessary to learn this effective form of exercise.

You will need to:

We keep Class size limited so we can focus on you.

For $180 you will receive over 14 hours of training.
No Extra fee's for staying little longer to practice :)

You will see the Benefits of Yang 24

Who currently does Yang 24 with us?

3824 Barrett Dr. 27609 Raleigh, NC