Reeling Silk Tai Chi

Help those in Clinics, Assisted Living or Home Care

Reeling Silk Tai Chi Book

Thank you for stopping by to check out the Ebook.

As of Sept 15th, 2014, I have nearly 70 pages and 11,000 words in the ebook.

I put together 30 years of Clinical Experience in hospitals, Assisted Living and facilities to give you idea of what you can expect

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To be honest, I hate those when someone forces me to signup for a newsletter to get content. However, since the ebook isn't quite done, I wanted to at least have an option.

So, here is the deal, if you want to sign up to get ONE email when the book is done, you can do that here.

If you want to join our email list (we send 1-2 a month) then just specify so. If not, I will send you one email, where the ebook can be found, then I will delete your email. Unless you told me to keep it.

Who Did I have in Mind, when I put together this Ebook?

If you want to help others with challenges, I am sure you will find some helpful information here

We will send you One Email

You are also welcome to just come back to check our White Bamboo Store for the download whenever you want.

I believe that you will find that the sweat and effort over the years has translated into many smiling faces for people I have cared for