Over the years we have developed a collection of materials that we can say that are worthwhile.
These are our affiliate links to Itunes / Amazon. We provide only resources that we know first hand. There is no additional cost to you.
Whether you use the link or not, we greatly appreciate you researching our materials and being part of our community.
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We have have First Hand experience with every piece of material here.
- Baggy Pants : 5 Star Weight Loss Book
- 10% Happier : How I Tamed the Voice in My Head - Dan Harris / Itunes
Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head - Dan Harris / Amazon Book
- Wherever You Go, There You Are : Itunes"
- Wherever You Go There You Are : Itunes AudioBook"
- Where Ever You Go, There You Are : Amazon Book
Bisio Amazon Book : Strategy and Change: An Examination of Military
Strategy, the I-Ching and Ba Gua Zhang,
Good book on theory, little heavy on philosophy, but great resource
This was 5 Stars at Amazon when we posted, Brian is a student.
We personally know the author, he is a student. This was reviewed 5 stars on Amazon at time we posted Link:
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