Find the Common Threads inside many experiences
08:31 Minute Audio
- Story of Ava | Takes a moment to reflect on her life resume
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Mr. Harper, thank you sir for the email. You inspire me just as well. I am glad you enjoyed the TKF 006 BaGua Cornerstones
In this Podcast of Tibetan Kung Fu:
We often get lost in the what appears to be “separate issues”. With some reflection, and “Quieting the Heart”, we can find thread that will point to Common Denominators.
When learning kungfu, whether for martial, medical or health,
you have to be able to slow your mind down enough to see the links. -
In a story with Ava, a young lady that pauses in her life to ask,
"why do I keep finding myself in these unpleasant situations? -
How we find the common denominator can vary, thats why I take each
person individually in the journey.
The tools we use to get there are similar, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, BaGua Walking, and Quieting the Heart meditation. : Culture, Adventure and Impact of Martial Arts is now running :) We will start by looking at the history and links of Pirates and their strong connection to kungfu.
Visual Formats too :)
During this episode we reference the following resources as one that was actually used in the process and that we can recommend first hand. If you decide that you would like to purchase it, I appreciate you using our affiliate link. It sends us less than a dollar to create and deliver the content here, without costing you any extra for the purchase.
If you don't use Amazon or Itunes, no sweat, thank you for considering it. I still encourage you to find a copy
- Itunes Book: Wherever You Go, There You Are"
- Itunes AudioBook: Wherever You Go There You Are"
- Amazon Book Version: Where Ever You Go, There You Are
Let us know what you think by posting on the Facebook comments below, or ping us on Twitter (@Tibetankungfu) to let us know what you think.
What have a few folks said?
Dave told us: Sifu and Kat, Hello! I must tell you that the podcasts are downright inspiring. This morning found me outside at 04:29 am. practicing my Fire Sets! Ho ya, these old bones!
Acupuncturist Jim Eleczko of the Raleigh Acupuncture and Stress Center emailed : "I have been enjoying the podcasts. Thank you for taking the time to share some of your expertise. Your son also did great. I bet you were very proud of him.”
Jean Rowe texted : "I listened to the bagua podcast and did the workout. It's a great pick me up. And I just finished listening to the Common Denominator podcast and it was just what my heart and mind needed to hear."
Dawn Randolph on Facebook: "Wow! Another treasure! I am happy and so very grateful to know that the wisdom and lessons you are sharing, both in the podcasts and in the kwoon are a part of my evolution and growth. Thank you!"

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