Your Internal Strength is related to our framework.
Dwight and Kat, Thank you very much for making the Bagua Fundamentals Workshop such a success.
To Autumn, Leah and Dawn. Thank you so much for your feedback on the Bagua Workshop
It is a favor to me when you give your feedback or review on Tibetan Kung Fu Podcast. I do hope you enjoy our work.
I just wanted to let you all know that I really enjoyed the Bagua workshop yesterday. I can see where this training could really compliment my current martial art training. And, will definitely try to come during my lunch hour sometime this month to refresh what I learned.
Thank you so much,
Jean, Travis, Scott and Jim, thank you for all your support.
Events Upcoming
Yang Tai Chi 4 Week Course start August 6, 2014 Wednesdays
8 Week Kung Fu Bootcamp on Monday August 18, 2014 7-8 pm. #kungfubootcamp
A 90 minute Meditation workshop will be coming next month.
In this Podcast of Tibetan Kung Fu:
We will discuss you fascia:
- What makes up fascia?
- How does fascia work together for muscular stability?
- How is fascia different than nerves, in sending messages?
- How is fascia related to physical health, mental and physical health?
- Why is important to me as a kungfu practitioner?
- How do I train it?
You can now download all podcasts on your Idevices and Androids with
Sergio Grecovetsky explains fascia and how it relates to structural strength to the Harvard Medical School.
Visual Formats too :)
During this episode we reference the following resources as one that was actually used in the process and that we can recommend first hand. If you decide that you would like to purchase it, we appreciate you using our affiliate link.
If you don't use Amazon or Itunes, thank you for considering it. I still encourage you to find a copy
- Itunes Book: Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
- Itunes Book: Energy Medicine
- Amazon: Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
- Amazon: Energy Medicine
Let us know what you think by posting on the Facebook comments below, or ping us on Twitter (@Tibetankungfu) to let us know what you think.
What have a few folks said?
Jean on Facebook: As a massage therapist, this is very informative. Can't wait to learn more.
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