Raleigh Chinese Martial Arts

Ba Gua : Carry the Teacup Integration Workshop

Coiling - Spiraling - Integration

by Sifu TW Smith

*** All Podcasts Will be Moving to New Web Pages, New One's are already there.***

bagua teacup exercise workshop paqua  

Ba Gua (often times spelled Pa Qua) is an art that is built using coiling power, built from the legs, through the waist, expressed out to the arms and hands.

The historical founder of the BaGua Martial Art system, Dong Hai Chuan, utilized the skill he learned in circle walking to express his martial arts, very effectively. For more information on Circle Walking, you can look here at our post and podcast on BaGua Cornerstones TKF 006  .

Coiling Power is naturally developed without excessive muscular tension by the Spiraling of the Joints. The body becomes more integrated as the training develops.

My Personal Experience

I personally used the Carry the Teacup exercises to recover shoulder mobility in the early 1990's. Many years of bodybuilding, wrestling and football took their toll. I can honestly say that it was a painful few months, but I restored the mobility of my right shoulder and have maintained it through teacups exercises for over 20 years.

From a martial perspective teacup exercises are irreplacable. Learning how to integrate your body from the waist out, improves power, mobility, balance, coordination and awareness. Not to mention the practical application of intercepting the straight with the arc.

This workshop will eventually be in two levels, one building into the other. This first one will cover fundamental exercises, whether you are a beginner or practiced in bagua, I will make sure you gain from the experience.

You will also have the opportunity to observe application or try it out on some of my willing students :)

My Son's Favorite Ba Gua Practioner

BaGua is the style of the Airbenders and the Avatar. When my son found out that I was doing a BaGua Carry the Teacup Exercise, he asked if I was going to mention the most famous Airbender :)

Ba Gua : Carry the Teacups Workshop

Movie : The One

Ok, I am still a fan of showmanship, and Jet Li in The One shows Ba Gua (the good guy) and Hsing Yi (his evil twin). Bagua is in the apartments, his evil twin practices Hsing Yi on the roof. Many of the Teacup exercises become aparent and will definately be obvious to you after the workshop :)

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