Raleigh Chinese Martial Arts

10 Attributes of Water : TKF 72

One of Natures 3 Treasures

by Sifu TW Smith

*** All Podcasts Will be Moving to New Web Pages, New One's are already there.***

water,be like water,kungfu,martial arts,qi gong,chikung Recent Events in China caused me to reflect on the Natural Element of Water.

In Taoist Tradition, Water is one of Nature's 3 Treasures.
Its Properties, Forms, and Abilities are attributes that we can use to improve our Martial Arts, QiGong and Ourselves

"Be Like Water" is referred to so often that is nearly a cliche. Like most cliche's we forget how powerful the statement really is.

In the 10 Attributes of Water Podcast :

Recent Facts of Dalian, China

Softness of Water

Power of Water


How these characteristics can apply to our Martial Arts, QiGong and Ourselves

At the closing of the podcast I update the Workshops and share an idea I recently entertained :

Dalian, China, Water Spouts  
Sighting of Recent WaterSpouts in Dalian, China Have an In-House Workshop 2016 :

Come in Friday

Stay in the Kwoon or Local Hotel

Train Friday, Saturday and Sunday Morning

Contact Me if this sounds like

A Workshop you are interested in..

All 10 will be detailed in Tuesdays Newsletter. You can also get the Qin Na "Catch" Flow Drill Video when you signup

10 Attributes of Water That Effect Martial Arts, QiGong and Ourselves

Associated with the "10 Attributes of Water and Effects on Martial Arts and QiGong", plus Halloween :)

Dalian Ghost Stories: Based on True Events from the Qing Niwa, Dalny, Dairen, and Luda Periods of the City's History

Peng Jin : Tai Chi Chuan : TKF 63 

Categories Posted in Athletic Performance , Chinese Martial Arts , Mindfulness - Attention , Personal Development , Podcasts
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** You can Listen to The Latest Podcasts on the Self Updating Stitcher Player

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« Breathe Life Into Your Martial Arts Forms : KungFu CPR : TKF 71 » ---- « Kuo Lien Ying »

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